Tuesday, June 4, 2013

prayer at work!

Spiritual Bouquet from my fellow seminarians
Dear Family and Friends,

I got back to my room this afternoon after a tiring day zipping around the Vatican, and there beneath my door was a gift from my fellow seminarians. It was a “spiritual bouquet”. They put together all the spiritual gifts they could as one big gift for my upcoming ordination, including 225 masses, 240 holy communions, 282 visits to Mary, 282 visits to Christ in the Eucharist, 298 sacrifices, 351 hours of study(probably the hardest!), 182 hours of Eucharistic adoration, and 284 acts of charity. That’s quite some gift!

The amazing thing is that yesterday I was having one of those harder days, you know, like when you kind of wonder how you’ll make it through. And then all of a sudden I had the strength to do what I needed to do, even though it wasn’t like the strength came from me.

It must have been those prayers and sacrifices, and the prayers and sacrifices of anyone out there who’s praying for me and my brother soon-to-be deacons. It’s such a gift to be part of a band of brothers like this, and to have so many friends pulling for you!

Thank you! And God bless you!
Brother Kevin

PS All of these reflections are at www.cblstones.com thanks to my brother Dan!