Two more days and exams will be over! My final “synthesis
exam” of theology is on Wednesday. Somebody must have been praying because it
turns out the two examiners will both be English speakers – it’s a welcome
relief to be able to take an exam in English!
Theology has been a rewarding study. It’s one of those subjects that’s so much bigger than you, but that you wish you could fit all inside your head. It’s kind of like taking a dive into a swimming pool on a hot summer afternoon – but in theology the water is the word of God, Sacred Scripture. It’s all a reflection on God’s word, and through that reflection, you understand God’s action in history better.
Talking about swimming pools, it’s starting to get hot in
Rome. This is one of those moments when I thank God that my seminary has a
swimming pool. Think I’ll go dive i
God bless you,
Brother Kevin